Pasukan Sesat! ;p

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Food of the year: Babi Guling - Ibu Oka, Bali.

Drink of the year: Full Cream Milk - Ultra Milk.

Ice Cream of the year: Green Tea - Coldstone.

Snack of the year: Lays - Salmon & Seewed.

Chocolate of the year: None --> artinya: Coklat Apapun Saya Suka!

Satay of the year: Young Goat Satay AKA Sate Kambing Muda.

Chilli of the year: Of course, SAMBEL IJO ala Padang!!

Sayur of the year: PETE! For Sure!! :D

Mall of the year: None --> artinya: Saya Bosan dengan Semua Mall!

Mags of the year: Free Mags --> artinya: emang udah ga pernah beli. Bacanya yg free.

Newspaper of the year: None --> artinya: ga pernah baca lahh.

Book of the year: None --> Sori, Saya lupa judulnya. (Bacanya di toko buku sihh);p

Song of the year: France Song (Lagi sok suka aja...)

TV Show of the year: Hampir semua yang ada di AXN Channel.

Reality Show of the year: Whose Line Is It Anyway?, The Apprentice, Amazing Race.

Blog of the year: (YES! Of Course!)

Athlete of the year: (Still & Always) Kobe Bryant.

Man of the year: None --> artinya: Saya belum berhasil jatuh cinta pada pria manapun. ;p

Weird Things of the year: Termehek-Mehek Reality Show --> Yes, saya menontonnya!!??

Krazy Things of the year: Snorkeling & Bungee Jumping (Without Crying!) :D

Achievement of the year: 22 years old! SAD but amazing!

SO LONG, 2008!

Phizt, Lhoft, and Ghawul!

* Cheers: Ellen Award 2008 *

BTL: Bodoh Tapi Lucu!

subjek kali ini adalah (lagi2) adik terkecil.

*Pas nonton video klip-nya Snoop Dog, tiba-tiba dia bertanya:

'Ce, sapa nama ni org? DOGGI?? Eh! HOP DOG ya!'
(dengan nada ingin dibenarkan tentunya)

*Pas makan sate kambing:

Bapak: Wah, lembut ya dagingnya!
Adek: Ahh, aku lebih suka yang keras. LEBIH MENANTANG!!!

.......................... ?

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