Lagi, buat nyang mao ngebandingin ama award tahun lalu, ini link-nya:
Food of the year: Taal Indian Restaurant
waktu ntu nyobain yg di karawaci... sumpeh, blom pernah nemu cane seenak yg di sana! pas ngunyah, gatau brp kali bilang 'ini enak!' hihihi
Drink of the year: SAKE for God Sake!!! hihihi
Ice Cream of the year: Green Tea - Coldstone
Chocolate of the year: Dark Chocolate
Book of the year: tahun ini lbh banyak meringankan otak.
Cinta banget sama KOMIK MAFALDA (eh ini komik bukan ya?)hihihi

Song of the year:
entah kenapa berasa damai tiap dengerin nih lagu *alaylabil* hahaha
Movie of the year:

Cakep bangetttt nih 2 pelm! :D
Reality Show of the year:

walopun tetep cita2 gw adalah ngikut Amazing Race! ;p
Blog of the year:
Athlete of the year: (Still & Always) Kobe Bryant!

Man of the year:
Tom Hanks, Ari Wiboro masih nomer 1.
ada tambahan baru. Moga2 juga bisa bertahan jadi nomer satu yah. :)

Achievement of the year:
Hmm... Bahagia? :)

Drink of the year: SAKE for God Sake!!! hihihi
Ice Cream of the year: Green Tea - Coldstone
Chocolate of the year: Dark Chocolate
Book of the year: tahun ini lbh banyak meringankan otak.
Cinta banget sama KOMIK MAFALDA (eh ini komik bukan ya?)hihihi

Song of the year:
entah kenapa berasa damai tiap dengerin nih lagu *alaylabil* hahaha
Movie of the year:

Cakep bangetttt nih 2 pelm! :D
Reality Show of the year:

walopun tetep cita2 gw adalah ngikut Amazing Race! ;p
Blog of the year:
Athlete of the year: (Still & Always) Kobe Bryant!

Man of the year:
Tom Hanks, Ari Wiboro masih nomer 1.
ada tambahan baru. Moga2 juga bisa bertahan jadi nomer satu yah. :)

Achievement of the year:
Hmm... Bahagia? :)