Pasukan Sesat! ;p

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Food of the year: Babi Guling - Ibu Oka, Bali.

Drink of the year: Full Cream Milk - Ultra Milk.

Ice Cream of the year: Green Tea - Coldstone.

Snack of the year: Lays - Salmon & Seewed.

Chocolate of the year: None --> artinya: Coklat Apapun Saya Suka!

Satay of the year: Young Goat Satay AKA Sate Kambing Muda.

Chilli of the year: Of course, SAMBEL IJO ala Padang!!

Sayur of the year: PETE! For Sure!! :D

Mall of the year: None --> artinya: Saya Bosan dengan Semua Mall!

Mags of the year: Free Mags --> artinya: emang udah ga pernah beli. Bacanya yg free.

Newspaper of the year: None --> artinya: ga pernah baca lahh.

Book of the year: None --> Sori, Saya lupa judulnya. (Bacanya di toko buku sihh);p

Song of the year: France Song (Lagi sok suka aja...)

TV Show of the year: Hampir semua yang ada di AXN Channel.

Reality Show of the year: Whose Line Is It Anyway?, The Apprentice, Amazing Race.

Blog of the year: (YES! Of Course!)

Athlete of the year: (Still & Always) Kobe Bryant.

Man of the year: None --> artinya: Saya belum berhasil jatuh cinta pada pria manapun. ;p

Weird Things of the year: Termehek-Mehek Reality Show --> Yes, saya menontonnya!!??

Krazy Things of the year: Snorkeling & Bungee Jumping (Without Crying!) :D

Achievement of the year: 22 years old! SAD but amazing!

SO LONG, 2008!

Phizt, Lhoft, and Ghawul!

* Cheers: Ellen Award 2008 *


  1. kamu bungee jumping len???? hebaatttt!!!dimanaaa???

  2. hihihi iyaaa... itu tul yg pas di bali kmaren..hehehe

    kau hrs mencobanya tul!! biar aku jg bs memastikan.. apakah cuma saya saja yg efek sampingnya keringetan dan lupa ingatan??! hehehe

    tp yg pasti, kita wall climbing & gokart bareng yah ntar!! (moga2 nemu tempatnya) haha

  3. setengah dari awardnya aja tentang kuliner...ketauan banget kan prioritas hidupnya apaan...wakakakaka...
    kudukung abeeez teQ!!!

  4. yes dul! kan kita makan untuk hidup. hidup untuk makan. hahaha mari kita berkuliner ria!!

  5. france song?buahahhhaa...pasti krn dirikuuuuwwww....merci buku.apa coba....


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